A deep dive journey about electronics, computers, radio and so on

  • Lights on the Honda Cub EZ90

    My love for the Honda Cub EZ90 remains steadfast. It’s a nostalgic reminder of 90s motorsports glory. The Cub EZ90, stripped of lights, horn, and mirrors, is a beast in its own right, perfect for rough terrains and farm work. But I wanted to go a bit far with it...

  • My system

    It’s been a time since I wanted to talk about my system. It is nothing but the way things work best for me, and maybe for you as well! I’m a strong believer that systems work amazingly well on persons who want to optimize the outcome of their tasks and...

  • Controlling AC Units with Apple Home and Siri

    My apartment is equipped with two air-conditioned units, and while still modern, they aren’t capable of talking with Apple’s HomeKit out of the box. However, with a bit of research and experimentation, I found a solution to overcome this limitation. Learning the remote control protocol Bill of materials Determining your...

  • Synchronizing the Bitcoin blockchain with a satellite

    In this blog post, we will explore how I connected to a telecommunications satellite to download the Bitcoin blockchain using an SDR receiver and a Raspberry Pi. Blockstream, a company that provides uplink services for the Bitcoin blockchain, transmits a constant stream of blockchain data to various satellites. For this...

  • Monitoring the Netgear ReadyNAS with SNMP

    As my home server setup grew, I realized the importance of monitoring various aspects of my infrastructure, including my Netgear ReadyNAS 312. The NAS plays a critical role in storing my valuable files, and I wanted a way to proactively detect any potential issues such as failing disks or problems...