A deep dive journey about electronics, computers, radio and so on

  • Slides of my satellites talk at 2023

    Signals from outer space: Hunting for data at thousands of kilometers The talk outlines a timeline of the fascinating exploration into the world of satellite communications using open-source software and low-cost Software-Defined Radio (SDR) receivers. With the advancement of technologies, telecommunications have become accessible to enthusiasts and researchers. This accessibility...

  • The perfect fit for my 2011 Macbook Air

    There is it, lying in a drawer. My first Macbook. This is one of those things I felt in love at first sight. In my opinion, this was Apple’s peak design for portable computers, thin, small, lightweight, with outstanding hardware capabilities and performance, and, one of the things I like...

  • Simple WAN failover with MikroTik

    MikroTik offers many options when discussing Internet high availability, ISP redundancy, WAN failover, etc. Some ways are more complex but they offer additional features, and some others are quite straightforward, but wise at the same time. One of my favorites is recursive routing. A screenshot I took for a client...

  • ATU-100 antenna tuner configuration

    The N7DDC’s ATU-100 automatic antenna tuner is a great piece of hardware for any radio ham trying to adjust their SWR while transmitting. The ATU-100 is an inexpensive hardware unit and can be configured by writing the PIC16F1938’s EEPROM. Why How Bill of materials Replacing the bit Testing Why My...

  • Upgrading Proxmox VE 7.x

    For quite some time, my Proxmox VE server has been running on version 7.1-10. Due to a busy year, I hadn’t found the time to perform the necessary upgrades until now. In this post, I’ll walk you through the steps I took to upgrade it to the latest 7.x release...